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A Historical Account of the Belief in Witchcraft in Scotland
Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe
ISBN 9781849210645
SERIES Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe Collection
Paperback  270 pages
Published 7 January 2011    UK Price £14.95    US Price $20.95   

First published in this format in 1884, this early chronological account forms a complete overview of the history of witchcraft, “wizardry, and spectral appearances” in Scotland before 1724.
An Editorial note introduces the author, Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe (1781-1851), and explains how this present volume was originally written as an introductory chapter to Sharpe’s 1819 edition of “Memorialls; or the Memorable Things that fell out within the Island of Brittain from 1638 to 1684 by the Rev. Mr. Robert Law” but came to be regarded as a work which was more important in its own right.
A Biographical Sketch of the ‘polished and aristocratic’, ‘capricious and eccentric’ author follows, with a good description of the scope of Sharpe’s correspondence, literary labours, etchings and collections.
The historical account itself is presented in twelve chapters, with an Appendix, the editor’s own compilation of a ‘Short List of Books on Scottish Witchcraft and Superstition’ and an Index.


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